Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Family

I am Jovy Li, i was born on the 20th of July in 1993, year of the Rooster. My sign is Cancer. I was born in Shanghai, China. But i only lived there for 8 months, before i moved to Adelaide, however i only stayed in Adelaide for 3.5 years. After this i moved to Saskatoon, in Canada. Here i stayed for 4.5 years of my life, a majority of it with just my mum, because my dad had gone to Perth to work for a while. After Canada we moved to Perth, where i have been staying for the last 7.8 Years.

My Father was born in Suizhou, in the Hubei Province of China.
My Mother was born in Songzi, in the Hubei Province of China.

Our family migrated from China to Adelaide, because my father went to pursue a PhD. After my dad attained his PhD he was offered a job in Canada, and we soon followed. After this my father got offered a job in the government for agriculture here in Perth. You could say, we followed my father's work where he went, but we finally settled down here.

Our life changed dramatically when we moved from China, one of the major changes was, there was no more "One Child" Policy, so my parents could give birth to my little brother after we arrived in Australia. Also life became a lot easier, because my parents had lived a very hard life in China, with almost no technology at all, and where they were living in a time of poverty in the rural areas of China. So life would have improved quite dramatically.

My parents lived in the age of the great cultural revolution of China, which was a political disaster at the time. It was a hard time, where people were judged by their ancestry such as if they had a rich ancestor then the offspring would have to bear the consequences. This is because at this time it was considered bad to be rich in china, so people tried to stay low. During this time people were deprived of education, and people were dying due to starvation and violence.

However, finally during 1979 the Open Door Policy was released, and China opened themselves to the world, and chinese capitalism.

My Grand parents however did not move around so much.
My father's parents were: Guizhi Li, born 10-11-1935 ( grand father)
and Yinlan Zhang 25-5-1937 (grandmother)

My mother's parents were: Zhonghui Zhang, DOB: 18-11-1921 (grandfather) D.O.D: 2-1-1990
and Yaling Li born in 13-2-1924 (grandmother) she was born in Suichuan.

All of my grandparents were born in Hubei, China. And they lived through a few rough times, such as the change from the national to the communist party. yo man

Thursday, November 20, 2008


3 International conflicts- World war I, World War II, Vietnam
3 Inventions- Air Conditioner, motorised movie cameras, stainless steel
3 social or politcal changes in australia-
3 songs of films that changed the world-
1 Economic Recession- United States which began in July 1981 and ended in November 1982.
1 Fashion Trend-

World War I
The Entente Powers were: France, the United Kingdom, Russia, and their associated empires and dependencies. Numerous other states joined these allies, most notably Japan in August 1914, Italy in April 1915, and the United States in April 1917.
The Central Powers consisted of: Germany and Austria-Hungary and their associated empires. The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October 1914, followed a year later by Bulgaria

World War II
The countries involved were:


Italy, Japan, Finland, Germany, Hungary Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia

United Kingdom (England and Great Britain), United States (America, USA),
Soviet Union (USSR, Russia)
, France, Canada, Australia, China, Poland, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Luxembourg, Norway, Yugoslavia.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jack The Ripper

Who was the Ripper...?

Irish-American. Born in Rochester, New York 1833, the youngest of 11 children. He lived in quite a poor family and peddled porn as a young child.
After he grew older, he trained as a self educated, homeopathic physician at the Hahneman Hospital. After this he enjoyed some good money after posing as a "Quack" Indian Herb Doctor in Canada and The United States. He was also known to people as a woman hater and had a collection of uterus's said to be belonging to every kind of woman, and he was the cause of death of some of his patients in Canada and was charged for it. Because of this he fled away overseas. Francis Tumblety was also a man of many names, using alias such as J.H. Blackburn.
in 1857, Montreal, Tumblety was arrested on for illegally aborting a prostitutes child, however he was let off scott free without even a trial because "of no true bill" after a bit of debate.
He also had the reputation of being a bit of a military freak with his clothing style and was also considered a homosexual. However, he was caught up in 1864 where his assistant David E. Herold was hanged for allegedly helping assassinate Abraham Lincoln, and he himself had to flee in fear for his identity. However he was caught up in 1865 in St.Louis, Missouri, and was put in prison, however he got out for the plea of mistaken identity. After all these problems he made in America he wisely chose to flee to England.

Tumblety was in England in 1888, and during his time there he claimed to have healed and treated many famous English patients, such as Charles Dickens. However in 1888, 24th of November he was charged with gross indecency by committing homosexual acts, and was set to be put in jail, however his bail was on the 9th of November before the murder of Mary Jane Kelly, the last of the Ripper victims. And because of his schemes in America, he is a large suspect to be the Ripper himself, he died in 1903 possibly because of Syphilis.

One of the main reasons Tumblety was a main subject, is the fact -
He had a known hatred for women especially prostitutes, he openly admitted to Colonel Dunhum and few other men.
"Someone asked why he had not invited some women to his dinner. His face instantly became as black as a thunder-cloud. He had a pack of cards in his hand, but he laid them down and said, almost savagely, 'No, Colonel, I don’t know any such cattle, and if I did I would, as your friend, sooner give you a dose of quick poison th
an take you into such danger.' He then broke into a homily on the sin and folly of dissipation, fiercely denounced all women and especially fallen women. " Extract from

Also another very intriguing fact, is that Tumblety was once married to a prostitute who he loved very much, but broke up with her after he saw her cheat on him with his own eyes. After this he claimed to have "given up on womankind".
Tumblety had no real connections to the murdered victims as far as the police know, however Tumblety had a fond ues of alias's and often the police could not keep and eye on him, so he does not really have a alibi for any of the murders, therefor making him a even more likely suspect.

Francis Tumblety was not a very well known man. He had come from all over the world, and had used many different alias's along the way. However even with the limited amount of information we know of him, there is a sufficient amount of evidence to be used against him. First of all, the first person to find Tumblety as a probable suspect to be "Jack" was a person named Mr.Littlechild. Evidence such as his collection of "preserved uteri", seems to stand out a bit when you think of the murders with "JTR" and how Annie Chapman's uterus was removed in her murder... But however one of the most stand outs in the evidence against him, was the night of the double murder for Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes, the lodging lady for him said that she had seen visible blood stains on his clothes... just coincidence? It is also known that Tumblety would have had some medical practises being a "herb doctor" and quack at some point. And he even worked under a doctor in Rochester, a man named Dr. Lispenard. Even more, found in Dr.Tumblety's belongings left behind were some cash, jewellery and 2 cheap imitation rings... EXACTLY THE SAME AS ANNIE CHAPMAN'S MISSING RINGS. Could this be a killer's trophy of some kind? You'll also find that as soon as Tumblety flew off to America or Canada again, the killings strangely stopped? And Dr.Tumblety was not a man without wealth, he could have supported his time in Whitechapel quite easily. I strongly think that this evidence points Tumblety to the guilty direction. However, a lot of people do not believe that Tumblety was jailed at the time of the last murder of Mary Jane Kelly (she wask killed on the 9th of November). This is false information. Tumblety was arrested for his indecency charge on the 7th of November, and he would have had bail from the police until the time for the next magistrate's meeting, which means he was free to wander around Whitechapel until the 14th, where he was re-arrested again. Therefor he has no alibi for Mary Kelly's murder either.

Francis Tumblety had a known hatred for women, especially prostitutes, because he used to have a relationship with one, but it ended badly because she cheated on him with many other men. Because of this he "had given up on all women kind". This could be a motive to kill the prostitutes. As revenge for what his old lover did to him.

Life was very hard in 1888 for London, it was divided in two very social classes. The West End Residents and The East End Residents. The West End had all the wealth, and the East end was pretty much the poorer slums of London. This is also another reason for "Jack" to attack his victims, because the streets were like a labyrinth it would be very hard to find someone who knew the streets well, where also so dirty and polluted, that there was a smog that went throughout the city that it was hard to see your own hand in front of your face (this was caled "Pea Soupers". Also, since the East End's residents were so poor a lot of the people could not afford houses. For single women this was a problem as they had no-where to go, so a lot of them resorted to prostitution to keep themselves alive. Because of this harsh reality that many of the women could not escape a lot of them became abusive alcoholics.

In all, i strongly believe that Jack the Ripper was in fact, Francis Tumblety. I believe there is enough evidence and motive for him to fit the culprit to be the one who terrorized the streets on London in 1888 and one of the most famous serial killers in history.

+ the folio's of information provided by Mr.Hanna.