Monday, May 12, 2008

Western Australian Economy

Western Australian Economy

Western Australia is one of Australia's leading states, in economic growth and is the biggest sate of Australia. Western Australia is one of the worlds leading contributors to petroleum, mining, iron, gas, nickel and gold(WA extracts 75% of the whole of Australia's gold!) . It also produces 20% of the world's Alumina. Not only is WA one of the worlds leading ore and mineral providers, it also has great agricultural exports and imports. It creates and exports things such as wheat, barley and wool. WA even has a rising tourism rates which just tops off WA as being probably one of the best states in the entire country.

WA has many regions since it is such a big state, these different states create different goods and services.

The Kimberley-

Pearling, mining, agriculture, aquaculture, indigenous art and tourism

Mining, petroleum, iron ore

Gold, nickel, agriculture, fishing, wheat, barley

South West-
Alumina, mineral sands, agriculture, timber, viticulture

As mentioned above, Western Australia is a very strong economy with quite a few strengths. But just like everything that seems perfect in life, it has its flaws.
Western Australia's strengths are: good employment rate, high literacy rate, having the highest per capita output then any other state, it includes the state offices of many major banks such as NAB, Westpac and ANZ, it is very good with it's foreign exchange with countries such as China and a few European countries and we are having a HUGE boom.
The Weaknesses of WA are not very noticeable yet there are still some:
The price of our housing and land is sky rocketing due to the demand of housing because of the boom (the price of housing has gone up by over 40% since 2006!), WA is quickly becoming very crowded since it has such high job appeal because of all the job opportunities.

Western Australia like all things around the world is changing. From the rising prices of land, to the developing technologies. WA's changes are majorly contributed by the rising global problems. Global warming seems to be making weather a lot hotter which means more drought for us, the price of fuel is soon going to be $2.00 per litre, due to rising sea levels in the near future our beaches might be too far into shore to properly enjoy any more. Since there are now more people living WA then ever demand and supply for things will be greatly disrupted.